Thursday, July 23, 2009

"There are no bad people..."

"...just good people making bad choices." That was the statement made in a college class this last week and brought to our Wednesday night session.

The statement reflect a post-modern notion of the nature of humanity. It even touches on the issue of whether there is such a thing as good or bad. Ultimately, if this statement is true then the Church I serve and the Gospel I share is useless.

So it would pay for us to take some time and understand the question.

Follow this link for a audio recording of our "Ask Pastor John" conversation:
"There are no bad people, just good people making bad decisions." (07/22/09)

1 comment:

Peg said...

Excellent blog, Pastor, very informative (and attractive).
I may check in from time to time to see what is new. I am new to OR, been here about a it! Attending G.P Neighborhood Church.

Yours in Christ
Peg (Catelin) Hoover

PS I am a Christian writer...visit my website
or my blog htt://