Thursday, July 23, 2009

"There are no bad people..."

"...just good people making bad choices." That was the statement made in a college class this last week and brought to our Wednesday night session.

The statement reflect a post-modern notion of the nature of humanity. It even touches on the issue of whether there is such a thing as good or bad. Ultimately, if this statement is true then the Church I serve and the Gospel I share is useless.

So it would pay for us to take some time and understand the question.

Follow this link for a audio recording of our "Ask Pastor John" conversation:
"There are no bad people, just good people making bad decisions." (07/22/09)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Live Ask Pastor John Tonight

Tonight is the first live session of Ask Pastor John. You can get involved and everyone is welcome to attend. The Question and Answer session will begin at 7pm at the First Church of God, in Medford, Oregon. You can find a map to the church at

You can also send your questions and issues to me by email. I will cover appropriate questions on Wednesday nights and post them here for others to read.

I hope to have a link to edited audio files of the live sessions on Wednesday night so you can listen in on our lively sessions.

You are not alone. There are many others asking the same questions you are asking and together we can look for the answers.

Christ promised us that if we seek we will find. If we ask, we will receive. If we knock the door will be opened.

This is your invitation to do just that.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New Beginning...

A new beginning has come to this blog. Starting next week I will be taking questions from people attending a Wednesday night dialogue at the First Church of God, answering them at the event, and posting them here on the web.

Questions and issues that you have can be sent to me at this site or in person, or by email ( I am going to attempt audio recordings of the Wednesday night sessions, edit them and make them available on this site.

I hope that as we seek answers together to some of the most important questions of life that we will find we are part of a community of truth.

Come to our sessions at the First Church of God, 2000 Crater Lake Ave., Medford, OR and join in the enjoyable interaction. The coffee is on me! We start at 7pm, start hitting the breaks by 8pm and come to a full stop by 8:30pm!

If you want to talk individually I will "linger longer" for you or write me by email. Check out our website for a map at

Pastor John