The History Channel has featured documentaries about the end of the world and various prophesies made by famous 'seers' in history. Such dooms day predictions and preoccupation with the end of the world results in some distorted thinking about what the Bible actually tells us about what is to come.
In our last 'Ask Pastor John' we explored these questions and about the Judgment Day that is about to come. On that last day will God forgive everyone or will there be a sorting of those who are found to be worthy and unworthy of entering into heaven?
Follow this link to hear the Real Audio recording of our question and answer session. The audio has been edited to cut some of the commentary from those participating so the audio isn't too long, not because they weren't good comments.
If you want to be apart of the next session of 'Ask Pastor John' send your questions to pastorjohn@clearwire.net or join us at the First Church of God, Medford, OR at 7 pm this coming Wednesday night. Go to www.fcog.us to find out more.
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