Monday, June 16, 2008

What happened to GOD?

I recently received this post from "Kelly" (a.k.a) and I was truly touched by his comments. I have tried to reach him direct but was unable to get through. I am posting this hoping he will read my reply. I think you will be touched by his comments as well. So here is Kelly's question. My response will come soon. Please join me in praying for Kelly after you read his post.
Pastor John R.Wiuff
Pastor John,

I have no clue how to start this.

I am in jeopardy due to issues in my life and at 63, confusion about my faith is more than I can almost endure. I have tried to come to your church and the other large one on your street but nothing brings me there. I get ready, buy cannot seem to get to either one of these places to worship.

I do not know anymore how to pray, what to think of a higher power I choose to call GOD when so much is happening to me and others. We have no control over what is happening.

What happened to GOD?

There is a country/western song that sings of: GOD is busy. Is HE that busy to remember me by name? Is HE that busy to hear me but not care??

I am an alcoholic since 12 years old. Nothing helps. NO meetings, groups, meds and I am about at wits end.

Tell me how you can help me please. My entire life has been stress and even in that, I work a 40 hour week, I am clean and keep up bills and my home and cat Annie. There is nothing much life can offer me anymore and I am tired of trying to find some solace, or peace.

Just to wait on death is a horrible place to be when others suffer to stay alive. Your bulletin today struck me hard as it is beautiful in green and words matter to me. A friend brought that to me early today, Sunday. Lovely and I will pray as best I can for those offered up in your bulletin.

Thank you Pastor and one day I hope to get to see you. Pray for me please to get the nerve to be in your church some one of these days.

For now let’s just refer to me as Kelly. That is not my name but I am afraid to be honest with anyone anymore.
Good Day to you Pastor John.

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