Are there any bad questions?
No, not if you are willing to be open to the truth.
As a Pastor I love to explore questions with people about the truth especially as it relates to God, faith and the meaning of life.
I want to invite you to ask your questions and send them to me at . I will post them on this blog and attempt to give the best Biblical, Christ centered response I can give. Others will read our statements and hopefully be part of the conversation.
Why would I do this?
I really believe what Jesus told us, that if we seek we will find, if we ask we will receive, if we knock the door will be opened. Truth is a person, not an idea or an opinion. As we ask the questions that move us towards the truth we will find ourselves moving towards Jesus Christ and a personal relationship with truth himself.
So... ask, and will shall seek and knock together on the gates of heaven.
Pastor John
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