At a recent session of "Ask Pastor John" the issue of prophets was discussed.
I moved to the Rogue Valley almost fifteen years ago and I have never run into so many people who think they are prophets for God. Many of them are not prophets at all, but just people wanting to be special and to impress others.
In this session I deal with the question covering issues like:
-are their prophets today?
-how can you tell who is real prophet of God?
-what does the Bible call a prophet and what is their job?
-can prophets can their predictions wrong and still be prophets?
I think you will find this one fun to listen too and as always we would love you to post your comments below after listening.
I really do try to keep our discussion to under an hour but have failed miserably as question give birth to more questions. If you listen to the real audio recording you will hear how the group just wants to keep going.
To listen to the latest editon of "Ask Pastor John" follow this link.
Keep seeking, asking and knocking.
Pastor John